One line

Sudhir Nayak

Sudhir Nayal
© Maharudra Ashturkar

Sudhir Nayak is a familiar face at most music festivals in India, and is globally acclaimed as a sensitive harmonium ac- companist to several vocalists and as a solo harmonium player. Sudhir is a disciple of the harmonium maestro and Pandit Tulsidas Borkar, and the noted vocalist and composer Pandit Jitendra Abhisheki. Sudhir also composes music and con- ducts workshops and interactive sessions related to the harmonium on a regular basis and currently teaches harmonium at the Mumbai University. Following his rich experience and eclectic approach towards music and arts, Sudhir dedicated his efforts towards the development of Kala Coast, an art collective which encourages the spirit of collaboration with various art disciplines in India.